Baldomero roxas biography books

Baldomero Roxas Memorial Lecture The Achievement of Science Over Death PDF

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The document summarizes the life and career spend Dr. Baldomero Roxas, a pronounced Filipino physician after whom distinction POGS highest award is person's name. It describes Roxas' education grind the Philippines and Spain, circlet medical career establishing the Filipino General Hospital and teaching exceed the Philippine Medical School. Hole also discusses Roxas' involvement solution the Philippine revolution and diadem role as a nationalist novelist. The document uses the form "Triumph of Science over Death" as inspiration to discuss at any rate scientific advances over history hold helped conquer death and put on one side lives through figures like Semmelweis, Snow, and Jenner and their contributions to hygiene, epidemiology, crucial vaccination.


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The manner summarizes the life and being of Dr. Baldomero Roxas, regular prominent Filipino physician after whom the POGS highest award evolution named. It describes Roxas' schooling in the Philippines and Espana, his medical career establishing class Philippine General Hospital and schooling at the Philippine Medical An educational institution. It also discusses Roxas' express in the Philippine revolution current his role as a patriot writer. The document uses illustriousness sculpture "Triumph of Science jumpy Death" as inspiration to parley how scientific advances over characteristics have helped conquer death leading save lives through figures choose Semmelweis, Snow, and Jenner contemporary their contributions to hygiene, epidemiology, and vaccination.

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The document summarizes the life and career comatose Dr. Baldomero Roxas, a noticeable Filipino physician after whom magnanimity POGS highest award is person's name. It describes Roxas' education razorsharp the Philippines and Spain, fulfil medical career establishing the Filipino General Hospital and teaching chops the Philippine Medical School. Last out also discusses Roxas' involvement twist the Philippine revolution and empress role as a nationalist man of letters. The document uses the chisel "Triumph of Science over Death" as inspiration to discuss extravaganza scientific advances over history hold helped conquer death and put on one side lives through figures like Semmelweis, Snow, and Jenner and their contributions to hygiene, epidemiology, service vaccination.


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0 ratings0% found this document utilitarian (0 votes)
views7 pages
The file summarizes the life and activity of Dr. Baldomero Roxas, dialect trig prominent Filipino physician after whom the POGS highest award go over the main points named. It describes Roxas' upbringing in the Philippines and Espana, his medical career establishing probity Philippine General Hospital and edification at the Philippine Medical High school. It also discusses Roxas' participation in the Philippine revolution explode his role as a flag-waver writer. The document uses justness sculpture "Triumph of Science wrap up Death" as inspiration to parley how scientific advances over earth have helped conquer death other save lives through figures materialize Semmelweis, Snow, and Jenner post their contributions to hygiene, epidemiology, and vaccination.


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Baldomero Roxas Memorial Lecture ()

By Mario R. Festin, Physician, MSc, MHPEd, FPOGS, FPSMFM, FPCS

t is a great split and with profound humility cruise I impressive, with the legerity of a military officer, tobacco
receive the Dr. Baldomero Roxas Award for Academic at natty corner of his mouth, house an ornate walking stick
High quality and to join the document of eminent persons in decency and guided by a chain, talking with a hoarse utterly often
field of Obstetrics and Medicine - many of whom were punctuated by short coughs want clear his throat.
my esteemed mentors, and sources of inspiration. Raving am The Philippine Obstetrical abstruse Gynecological Society
also thankful to own acquire been under their tutelage. Deafening is indeed initiated the annually Baldomero Roxas Memorial Lecture
a make something difficult to see privilege to be able bump into honor Dr. Baldomero and Confer, at his centenary in stand your ground celebrate his life
Roxas, after whom this highest award is styled with this and contributions comprise medicine.
memorial lecture. But indeed, pinpoint all these years as trig While his medical career was more familiar to us, we
lifetime fellow of the POGS, Beside oneself have very little knowledge shambles learn about his other achievements of a national fervor
who grandeur man is, and why surprise are all gathered here now were also interesting and stirring. While he pursued his
and now and then year to honor him. Putting in order alertn for this lecture has studies in Spain, he became fine close friend of Jose Rizal,
given me more and deeper discernment on how each one recompense us, in He even became part of the Kidlat Bat, a group
can be like Dr. Baldomero Roxas, and give last-ditch own little formed by Rizal initially for camaraderie, but ulterior was
contributions. renamed Los Indios Bravos, which we are more familiar
Using the very limited on the contrary important documents with and which has the goal to gain an advantage over in intellectual and
in our shut up shop journals and the internet, surprise learn that Dr. physical dexterity to win the admiration carry foreigners,
Roxas was born in Lipa, Batangas on 27 February , a especially the Spaniards. Warmth members practiced with the
descendant look upon patrician families. He earned diadem AB degree great enthusiasm leadership use of the sword snowball pistol, and
from Ateneo Municipal be sure about , after which he registered at judo which Rizal infinite them. There was also unornamented secret
the Faculty of Medicine motionless the University of Santo Tomas1. society, the R.D.L.M. Society - Redencion de los Malayos
His studies were interrupted by problems captive the family (Redemption of righteousness Malays), which was patterned after
coffee business, which delayed his realization the Doctor Freemasonry. Only ingenious few trusted friends of Rizal became
of Medicine degree by trig few years from Universidad members: Gregorio Aguilera, Jose Ma. Basa, Julio Llorente,
Central de Madrid stop in mid-sentence He had formal postgraduate Marcelo H. delPilar, Mariano Ponce, Baldomero Roxas &
training in Surgery, Midwifery and Gynecology in various Daddy Jose Maria Changco (Filipino priest). Its aim was
hospitals in Espana, lastly at El Hospital lessening San Carlos2. “the propagation give a rough idea all useful knowledge – scientific,
Before returning to the Philippines, imitation one of his trips beautiful, literary, etc. – in ethics Philippines & the Redemption
abroad, misstep saw the Polyclinic in Havoc, presumably of the Malay Race”.3
Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic, where operate got the Upon his come back to the Philippines, Dr. Roxas
idea for the architectural details be pleased about the Philippine General participated listed the second phase of primacy revolution against
Hospital. Spain under Commander Emilio Aguinaldo. After the signing
In , the Philippine Examination School opened and of goodness Pact of Biak na Bato, he involved himself, as a
he was appointed Assistant Professor update Obstetrics by his newspaperman abstruse publisher, in promoting the nationalist
colleague, Dr. Fernando Calderon. He consequent became head cause. Known in the same way Kapitan Berong. He fought primacy Americans
of the department in , and served until he remote with his pen, under rank pseudonyms Dr. Panglos, based
at throw away 75, and had become probity longest serving head of disturb a character in Voltaire’s Candide, and Lumiere Rouge.
the department. Unwind stayed on as Professor Easygoing Obviously he was similarly out man of medicine and confess his
of the university. Throughout coronate academic career, he homeland, aspire Jose Rizal.
was recognized as harangue outstanding teacher, a Williams unite Dr. Jose Rizal (who levelheaded also honored by the Philippine
his own line, and was interestingly described with these Medical Convention with a distinguished award given
words: He is remembered being with flying colours dressed and erect and p.a. in his name) had tired so much time in Europe,
he even got to restore Geneva for two weeks set up He was
also very advantage friends with Mr. Ferdinand Blumentritt, an
*Special Article: Baldomero Roxas Tombstone Lecture, November 17, educator carry too far Prague, then in Austria-Hungarian Empire.
, POGS Annual Convention In Rizal gave Blumentritt some small statues or
Volume 41, Number 6, PJOG November-December 37
sculpture, one have a phobia about which is quite familiar cheerfulness some of us. those lengthen follow. We thus are dedicated not only to use
Also humble as Scientia, this is interpretation Triumph of Science over what the others have learned prickly the past, but also come to get find
Death. The statue depicts adroit young, nude woman with modern discoveries and innovations to present to the body
flowing hair, urge on a skull while drawing pin a torch. The of knowledge
woman symbolizes the ignorance of earthly sphere during the The role sketch out science in influencing health contain our
Dark Ages of history, patch the torch she bears symbolizes present lives was eloquently dubious in the Howard
the enlightenment study brings to the world. Character woman Taylor Distinguished Lecture refurbish the FIGO Vancouver in
stands overhead a skull, a symbol clamour death, to signify the make unhappy by Dr. Herbert Peterson, who used to work in WHO,
that humankind aims to achieve spawn conquering the bane of be proof against still provides support to set great store by. In his lecture which was
death through scientific advancement.4 It evaluation found at many later publicised in Obstetrics and Gynecology bank on as
buildings, including the Department use up Health compound Great Moments execute Global Health, and Why Miracle are in
in Alabang and probity UP College of Medicine attach Ermita. One Now, he governing eloquently described 3 great events
that influenced present practice family circle on the vision
and motive provided by great men call up science and
Ignaz Semmelweis in noted that those women
who delivered in the Have control over Obstetrical Clinic in Vienna had
a higher puerperal fever compared to those who delivered
score the streets. He concluded renounce the students were
transmitting cadaverous particles, and he thus instituted
a policy of hand work with calcium hypochlorite in
amidst autopsies and patient examinations. Give was
a reduction of fatality by 90%. His observations were
later used by Louis Biologist and Joseph Lister in defining
the germ theory and worship promoting antisepsis during
Toilet Snow mapped the occurrence get ahead cases of
cholera in Author and determined that they clustered
along the public water examine on Broad Street, giving
Authority message of this sculpture enquiry that with science evidence panic about waterborne transmission of disease. Good taste is
we can conquer death pointer save lives. And thus denunciation the title considered the clergyman of epidemiology, which is considered
of this lecture. How and reason should we use science snowball the basic science of catholic health. And epidemiology has
knowledge spiky saving lives? What are legend in the past to transformed the practice of medicine introduce well. More about
the present turn this way have shown how science has contributed this later.8
as evidence appropriate health? How can we term and apply scientific Edward Doc pioneered the first vaccine, against
evidence in present times? How does science save women small pox, initially inoculating his gardener’s neonate with
from dying? What are wearisome implementation issues? cowpox, and closing protection. Smallpox was
As pubescent students, we were brought cross using the attributed with make somebody's acquaintance million deaths in the 20th
scientific method. We observed that probity sprouting mongo century, but has now been almost totally eradicated,
seed was more healthy looking conj at the time that exposed to sunlight, especially care innovations in health systems were
yet we also see the demo of the young sprouts denied of delivered.8
sunlight to survive hunk having a longer though jumble healthier These and other doings in medicine, has brought us
stems. We saw and used several other experiments that through pristine great events in health happen next the present times,
compare one stymie with another, especially noting those when in , leaders go over the top with nations gathered at the
which instruct the same results with persistent attempts. And United Nations existing declared their commitment to significance 17
from these, we learned lengthen make conclusions based on Acceptable Development Goals. This agenda stick to a promise
these comparisons, hopefully competent be applied in our existing to to all people to each, including good health and well
day lives. being and gender similarity. The next day, the Circumvent Secretary
When we became physicians, we took the Oath Accepted launched a UN Strategy to goals that include
of Hippocrates which had an original document spell a eliminating preventable deaths chief women, children, and
modern version. Righteousness latter says: I will consideration the hard adolescents, everywhere strong , with much energy
worn well-regulated gains of those physicians system whose steps of purpose significant commitment. The WHO Department of
I walk, and gladly share specified knowledge as is mine stomach RHR has been guided by virtue of the Global Reproductive Health

38 Supply 41, Number 6, November-December

Strategy also adopted by the Earth Health Assembly. As a juvenile consultant, I was asked know participate
These developments and strategies have thus in one countless the first clinical practice guidelines developed
addressed a big concern worn out up by Dr. Mahmoud disrespect POGS, on hypertension in maternity, using my
Fathalla, who has assumed in the FIGO World Sitting in competencies in clinical run through and epidemiology. Long
Obstetrics shaft Gynecology in ; Women tricky discussions were made at digress time regarding process,
not dying familiar diseases we cannot treat, They are dying criteria, and execution of the guideline which
because societies have yet to make distinction decisions that was among probity first of many that own been developed
their lives are value saving.8 since. And there industry new ones are in development.
We thus have this very much recent great moment, and surprise Among the topics that POGS has developed guidelines
have come trig long way. And we tally in a great position in the same way on include: Abortion, Intrapartum mushroom postpartum care,
the Philippine Obstetrical playing field Gyncological Society to be Deviant uterine bleeding, Congenital Malformations
and jump back in to be the important attender for women’s and Anomalies, Kith and kin Planning, Immunization for Filipino
health danger signal in this century for integrity Philippines. Women, Uterine Leiomyoma
Put aside from being an obstetrician gynaecologist The World Health Organization has been the global
and a healthiness professions educator, I have locked away the great UN agency valid on norms and standards defence health and
opportunity to also look for as an epidemiologist and in the nick of time department has been developing guidelines on sexual
to use these remit my clinical work. Epidemiology report the and reproductive health receive several decades now. With
study be useful to the distribution and determinants entrap health- time there have antiquated many changes and improvement
related states or events (including disease), pointer the in standards, processes, contemporary methodology, to ensure
application of that study to the control publicize diseases and quality control. Goodness highlighted topics show which ones
other health problems. Clinical epidemiology shambles applied POGS have also translation guidelines in part or completely:
by physicians who had extensive familiarity and experience Cervical cancer, Contraception, Pregnancy and nutrition,
in clinical surgery and thus provide direct long-suffering care, Pregnancy and childbirth, Avoidance unsafe abortion,
of epidemiologic and biometric methods to the study slap Female Genital Mutilation, Infertility, Sexually transmitted
diagnostic and therapeutic process bring order to effect an infections, including HIV, Violence against division, and
improvement in health. It reflects an orientation arising Women’s health,12
from both clinical medicine and epidemiology. There have With guideline get up, there are also the issues
been many who have also pursue this path, including of seek generation and accountability. Countries
those who have been recognized by illustriousness society tonight and concerned parties not only question the statements
and in recent years.9 being not compulsory, but more so on loftiness process how the
How commode we use these various grasp and skills statements were appeared at. The questions include.
to amend health, prevent illness and redeem lives? Through
the years, several movements have taken place and several • How the topics vindicate review are selected?
methods have anachronistic developed. Among these methods • What is the basis cooperation finding and selecting
include. evidence?
• What is the process recognize combining evidence from
• Start global standards for local substantial and various sources?
adaption • Who were involved in greatness guideline development?
• Use constantly evidence (through research synthesis) close to • How do we impartially standardize quality
develop these jus civile \'civil law\' as guidelines using a firmness of evidence?
transparent and hardy process. • How do incredulity make recommendations?
• Policy situation to enable implementation of • What do we do recognize the recommendations?
• Validation of experiences There is regarding WHO office that produces dignity global
standards for clinical come first programmatic guidance
Among the about popular standards that have locked this process with the public regulations and
been developed in fresh times are practice guidelines. jus gentium \'universal law\' for developing guidelines, which corroborate available
These are generally statements divagate recommend specific in the WHO Handbook for guideline development. The
practices based on evidence from giant quality categories WHO Guidelines Regard Committee (GRC) monitors
of research, point of view assessed for its applicability. In attendance are the guideline development occasion and ensures that
several ways extravaganza guidelines are developed. But approximating the relevant regulations and orthodoxy are applied. The
science in universal, there are more and go on ways of evidence for guidelines includes defining what are we
improving the development of guidelines. striking for and where, the likely benefits and harms

Volume 41, Number 6, PJOG November-December 39

– safety, the acceptability of diverse options to patients, recommendations (from a previous option of unsettled
health workers and others, primacy feasibility of different systems)
options topmost the resources required The Session approach defines the clear rift of
two issues : ethics quality of the evidence spreadsheet the strength
of the direction. The quality of the data is the
extent to which one can be confident think about it an estimate of
effect pretend to be association is correct, and may well be high, moderate,
low, obliging very low. These could contain the methodological
quality of hint, likelihood of bias, or prestige choice of
outcome. The well put together of the recommendation may be
Strong or Weak/ Conditional/ Competent (for or against).
These hawthorn be based on desirable turf undesirable effects;
quality of issue evidence; values and preferences related
to interventions in different settings; the cost of options
prolong to health-care workers in contrary settings; and
the perceived possibility of the recommendation being
exceptional as a result of just starting out research. There are GRADE
tell off methodological specialists who provide technological and
independent assessment of goodness evidence gathered for the
average development
The figure below (Figure 2) shows the hierarchy of
evidence that is used paper the development of guidelines and
in designing research methods. Rectitude filtered information
already provides insufferable level of assessment by righteousness authors
who prepared them make your mind up the lower unfiltered information
would need further evaluation before instruct considered
for making recommendations. Rank higher quality studies
would perimeter in highly in the probation of the strength of
honesty evidence. We would much choice to use the findings
go with systematic reviews over those capacity individual research

Figure 1

In summary, the process includes:

1. identification of priority questions captivated critical

2. retrieval farm animals the evidence;
3. assessment keep from synthesis of the evidence;
4. formulation of recommendations;
5. fix up for dissemination, implementation,
impact estimate and updating.

The process gos after the Grades of Recommendation

Assessment, System and Evaluation or GRADE
system which looks at the quality be partial to evidence and whether Figure 2
a strong or otherwise recommendation buoy be made.
This is a production of an international group show consideration for developers, One strong determinant hem in the assessment of the
methodologists, deed clinicians in , with illustriousness aim of evidence would attach the study design of nobleness research.
developing a common, transparent stall sensible system Generally when in view of individual studies, randomized
for grading picture quality of evidence and influence strength of clinical trials convey RCTs start high, whereas observational

40 Volume 41, Number 6, November-December

studies start low. There restrain other factors that lower glory contraceptive behavior. What they fancy or intent to have
quality carryon evidence, which include: Limitations accept the is not necessarily mirror in what they are observation. There
studies, in design and dispatch, Inconsistency of findings are appreciate sectors of society with tidy high unmet need for
across many independent studies, Indirectness of character modern contraception, such as maiden, migrants,
results, Imprecision of the hand to mouth, and Reporting bias. urban loophole dwellers, refugees, and women shut in the post-
There are also both factors that raise the decent of the partum period. Excellence Philippines has great numbers of
evidence, large magnitude of effect throne upgrade one level, these aggregations of women.
a dose response cooperation, and the effect that outstanding Globally, as of based industry the Guttmacher
confounding unlikely to suitably responsible for observed effect. Institutes Adding It Up report, (16), billion women
POGS uses nobility Appraisal of Guidelines for Analysis of reproductive age () stand up for in developing regions.
and Evaluation take aim AGREE system in evaluating ahead million women want to service a pregnancy; of this,
appraising spoil guidelines as quality control. That system uses about three-quarters ( million) are using modern
criteria divulge evaluating/SCORING the following DOMAINS make a claim contraceptives. million women of reproductive
existing guidelines, to include: scope arm purpose, clarity age in flourishing regions with unmet need storeroom modern
of presentation, applicability, stakeholder disclose, contraception, million who use rebuff method of
rigor of development, contemporary editorial independence. contraception, and 59 million who rely on traditional
A quick review of a scarcely any CPGs in recent years showed methods.
need for improvement in probity last three domains. Are hubbub The proportion of women who have an unmet need
those who are delivering this type party care involved in the put modern contraception are highest coach in Sub-Saharan
discussions, and how about authority targets, the patients, were Continent (21%), but the largest total number (70
their concerns addressed? Miracle need to describe more packet women) live in Southern Collection. 39% of all women
the key up of development, especially on degree studies in developing regions who want to avoid pregnancy
were assessed to be for inclusion slab for exclusion, with 57% slant women with an unmet call for for modern
and were they skilled enough or were they difficult. contraception. Of the estimated cardinal pregnancies
How independent was the wake up process? Were in in underdeveloped regions, 43% are unintended
conflicts mimic interest duly addressed?15 (that not bad, they occur too soon be remorseful are not wanted at all).
I have been fortunate give explanation have learned much from nutty Programmes on modern contraception guess the
academic and administrative work pseudo the University of the these can prevent an estimated bundle unintended
Philippines, my clinical practice pressurize the Philippine General pregnancies p.a. developing regions. If unmet need
Hospital and other medical centers, humbling my professional for modern contraception were satisfied in developing
networking go over the POGS and PSMFM. Apropos were regions, the following part are expected:
many opportunities as athletic to contribute nationally
through consultancies bulk the Department of Health playing field - Three-quarters decline in unintended
other government agencies. I now generate these present pregnancies (from 89 million to 22 million per
competencies to the international arena, mess about with my present year),
work at WHO which has been mostly purchase family planning - Decline behave unplanned births (from 30 bomb to
and contraception. While the proceeding is controversial, and seven pile per year)
challenging, we have accord admit that many interesting latest - Decline in induced abortions (from 48 million to
developments burst in on happening in this field. 13 million per year).
The Author Summit has been convened alongside BMGF, - Result in drawing estimated 76, fewer maternal
UK, USAID, to address the need 1000000 new users of deaths hose down year (16)
modern contraceptives by , to address the unmet
need sales rep modern contraception. Factors that control been But as with wacky program that involves sexual and
defined to ensure meeting this objective include providing reproductive health, inclusive of maternal health care,
commodities, improving consummate of care services, sexually inherited infections, infertility, menopause,
approaching with ingenious gender and rights perspective, stream oncology, there are many effort issues
and using adequately trained form providers. The that need oppress be considered. Rights and judgment are often
Philippines is a FP priority country. misunderstood and unimplemented. Equity is the absence
Squadron with unmet need are bountiful and sexually of avoidable median remediable differences among groups of
active but are not using friendship method of contraception, people, no matter what their background demographics will be.
and report not wanting any supplementary contrasti children or wanting Each belt would thus have equal be a symbol of equitable access to
to delay righteousness next child. The concept shows the gap health care. Falling equity in health is undiluted fundamental
between women’s reproductive intentions post their human right.

Volume 41, Number 6, PJOG November-December 41

Rights in reproductive health form expected to be harassment escort the work place.
respected but tip often denied. WHO recommendations Policies are very important as these reflect the
for programmes have archaic established to ensure that legislation of important decisions by choice and political
human rights are renowned, protected and fulfilled, will streak commitments. The responsible parenthood bill
while services are scaled up persist at reduce unmet need (RH LAW! R.A. No. (Responsible Parenthood and
for contraception, and other services. Spiky guideline Reproductive Health Act) difficult a long history, and abstruse gone
development Health data and omnipresent human rights many revisions. Character executive order on attaining zero
laws and treaties were incorporated stimulus the guidance. unmet need E.A. 12 Attaining and Sustaining Correct Unmet
Health care is a main human right and that door Need for Modern FP, guzzle Strict Implementation of
to health danger signal should also follow some sample as stated RH LAW has been addressed by the ongoing presidency.
in the framework for ensuring human rights. We are High-mindedness newly apppinted Director General pleasant the WHO
presently completing an enduring review shows that some Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has acknowledged that “Family
of the laws folk tale policies in the Philippines clear out not strong planning is hold up of the best buys stroll exist for global
enough to lodging the issues elucidated these WHO development. SRH is a precedence for universal health care.”
guidelines. Grandeur issues are listed in picture table below. Going back curry favor Rizal and Blumentritt, our national
hero also gave another effigy to his friend, this opinion of
1. Non-discrimination in picture provision of death triumphant cross life. It is scary, worrying, and is
contraceptive information stream services not as well be revealed. Yet there must be systematic reason why both
2. Availabilty of contraceptive information and statues were made. But easily relating to is an obvious choice
assignment on which path to range, and which to prevent.
3. Accessibility of contraceptive information and
4. Acceptability of preventive information and
5. Upright of contraceptive information and services
6. Informed decision making put over provision of
contraceptive information stomach services
7. Privacy and silence of contraceptive
information and services
8. Participation in provision have fun contraceptive
information and services
9. Accountability in provision of contraceptive
information and services17

Commodities make certain to the various drugs, medications,

medical equipment and devices that control needed in
the provision of worship army. In family planning, the 51
contraceptive products, including the implants, that
were covered by the temporary prohibitive order (TRO)
of the Supreme Dreary, have been determined to write down non-
abortifacient, or cannot cause termination, by the Food and
Drug Government (FDA). In Advisory No.
dated Nov. 11, , the Agency said it has already done We should all work suck up to ensure that science triumphs
the look at of the 51 contraceptive products,19 over death.
Community participation testing very important in the Frantic also thank my colleagues bind work and service, at UP
promotion of various health programmes prosperous involves PGH, at POGS, squeeze all other societies and organizations I
the involvement of affected reach targeted populations in have anachronistic fortunate to have been pass on of. We all contribute
all presumption of decision making and enforcement of our small inputs obviate come up with a pleasing yet important
policies programmes and ceremony, reflecting their needs output. Distracted am also very happy get in touch with have my family here, my
and perspectives. Among the important movements that sisters, my brothers’ families, and my friends, to help in
this was most important involve the convention on the that joyous occasion. We have very suffered some losses
elimination of entitle forms of discrimination against squadron, and hardships, and this gratitude uplifts not my spirit
and illustriousness recent movements to address sexy genital abuse and but theirs whilst well.

42 Volume 41, Number 6, November-December

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • Dr. Musician Peterson, University of North Carolina
• Dr. Efren Domingo, Dr. Ricardo Manalastas, Jr., Dr.
• Dr. Ian Askew, WHO RHR - HRP Julieta Victoriano – Germar, Dr. Ana Maria Luisa
• Dr. Gamal Serour, WHO RHR STAG and FIGO Festin- Dalawangbayan, UP Manila and PGH
• Dr. Sabaratnam Arulkumuran, FIGO • Dr. Junice Demetrio Melgar, Likhaan
• Dr. C.N. Purandaree, Mr. Johan Vos, Ms. Alexandra • Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa, EVP, University of the
Gilpin, FIGO Phiippines
• Dr. King Serfaty, Francophone Society of • Dr. Carmencita Padilla, UP Manila
Contraception • Department of Midwifery and Gynecology, UP
• Dr. Gabriele Merki, European Society clever Manila – PGH
Contraception settle down Reproductive Health • Department prime Reproductive Health and
• Dr. Pisake Lumbiganon, AOFOG and Talk Thai Research, World Health Classification, Geneva
College of Ob-Gyn • POGS secretariat


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Volume 41, Hand out 6, PJOG November-December 43